What kind of things can Shiatsu help with?

  • Improving physical mobility, and helping with back pain
  • Encouraging relaxation within the whole system thus reducing anxiety
  • Enabling joints that affect dynamic movement to function better eg knees and elbows
  • Reducing stress in one’s work and home-life
  • Enabling the repair of tissues at a cellular level thus facilitating the healing of injuries
  • Strengthening your immune system and whole-self resilience
  • Improving the quality of your sleep and ameliorating insomnia
  • Dealing with depression, lack of motivation and loss of energy

What happens in a shiatsu session?

Some initial questions are appropriate to finding out more about your lifestyle and how you relate to your own health. These conversations serve as useful guides as to how to work in the session. The client often lies down on the futon mat to receive appropriate hands-on pressure on the areas of the body that are most in need of attention but shiatsu can also be given in a sitting position. The guiding aim is to best meet the client’s needs at every level with the least amount of effort and yet with the maximum amount of energetic assurance.

What is a good preparation for a shiatsu session?

Wear loose comfortable clothing preferably made from natural fibres to allow freedom and ease of movement

What kind of ailments and contra-indications point to giving it a miss?

Any kind of viral infection, toxicity etc that is telling you to rest and heal, eg bad cold, heavy cough, painful swellings and exhaustion; here the message is surely to rest and erecover. Obviously, this includes any symptoms relevant to Covid-19. Listen to your own intuition

Can I have shiatsu just for pleasure even if I feel fine?

Absolutely. Receiving Shiatsu is a wonderful way to come into a clear and calm space within

Go to the Contact Kalandar page to arrange a session
or make enquiries about Shiatsu

You can also:

Phone: 01453-755967 or Mob: 07969-578745

or Email: dhyan.kalandar@gmail.com